Monday 7 February 2011

Self portrait

Whilst trying to avoid the fact that I have a slight idea vacuum for a job I'm working on (see peripheral scribbles), thought I might have a go at a quick self portrait. Quickly realising it was going to be a 'moody' one, I took evasive action and turned it into a doodle instead - the result was a pleasing mix of The Chipmunks and an Empire of the Sun album cover....

Actually think about it, my portfolio's littered with self-portraits I've thought better of - here's one of my faves (though probably just cos I likes the colour!). Apologies, it's dead old...


Frances Cony said...

Can see the resemblance, Sam.

Sam Church said...

Hey Frances - it's the teeth isn't it? Nice to hear from you on the old blog - I'll go check yours out now! Liked your gorilla designs by the way