Saturday 21 January 2012

A bit of colour...

Now this throws Friday's scribbles right out of chronological order, but I owe those of you who are following my escapades a bit of relief from endless black and white, so here's some stuff I did around lunchtime!

Yep, I dusted my pastel set off for the first time in about 10 years - the results weren't too bad (hopefully), although working with big lumps of chalk can be a bit approximate - it's very hard to get the noses right!  Here we have Julia Hills as Goneril, Piers Wehner as Curan, and Chris Bianchi as Cornwall.  Next week one of my big missions is to do more colour work (that and to win this radio competition that has been bugging me all week)- we'll see how it goes!

A large part of the rest of Friday revolved around Edgar (son of Gloucester) and Edmund (bastard son of Gloucester).  Which one of the brothers is better, Edmund or Edgar..?  There's only one way to settle it....

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